Configuring CloudBridal
Customer Self-Registration Settings
The Customer Self-Registration settings give you options to set what kind of data should be collected from the customer if they register into CloudBridal prior to their first appointment. You can configure the following:
- Allow Customers to Self-Register When Their Appointment Is Confirmed: If you enable this, customers will have the ability to register as a Prospect record into your CloudBridal environment. This saves you a lot of data entry because the customer will fill out all of their relevant information before even visiting your store. By enabling this, the customer will see a link to self-register in their appointment confirmed email, and they will also see the link if they view their upcoming appointment details from the email. Disabling this feature will hide both of these self-registration links.
- Set Invitation Email Custom Text: As an alternative to the above setting, you can instead manually send invitations to customers through their appointment record. This setting allows you to override the default text of the invitation email.
- Direct Link: Self-registration is also possible directly in your store. You can offer customers a tablet with the Direct Link bookmarked. You can even use this instead of allowing customers to self-register before their appointments if you'd like to make sure that only those who have shown up for an appointment will have a prospect record.
Configure Sections to Display
In this area, you have the ability to configure exactly what kind of questions will display to your customers when they register themselves into the system. By default, CloudBridal populates a set of questions for your environment, but you can make changes to this set as you please.
The customer self-registration form is based around Sections. The customer will be shown one section at a time, which they will page through as they answer each one. The following categories of sections exist:
- Text Content Only: This type of section is purely informative. You can configure both the title and the content for this type of section.
- Maps to System Field: This type of section will prompt the customer with a question that they need to fill out. Their answer to the question will map to an existing CloudBridal field, such as Full Name or Customer Type. You can still set the title and/or body for this type of question, so you can customize how it is presented to the customer.
- Maps to Custom Field: This type of section is very similar to the above, but maps to one of the custom fields defined in your Customer Settings. This is an extremely powerful concept that allows you to truly make your self-registration forms unique and tailored to your shop.
- System Section: CloudBridal has a few system sections that are needed for the form to function. These represent an Introduction page at the beginning, a Finish page at the end, and also the Review section that allows the customer to double-check the answers they provided through a quick summary.
In addition to the types of sections, a section also includes the following fields:
- Specific to Customer Types: This allows you to display questions to specific customer types based on their selection for the Customer Type question. This is very useful, as you may wish to display additional questions for your bridal customers.
- Display Mode: This allows you to set whether the question displays in specific contexts. The default is Always Display, which will always display the question regardless of context. In-Store Only will display only for customers registering directly in your shop through the Direct Link mentioned previously in this documentation. Self-Registration only will display only for customers registering at home through an invitation link in their confirmed appointment. Finally, Hide can be used to hide a field altogether.
- Answer Required: This forces the customer to answer the question. If unchecked, the customer will be able to leave the answer blank.
- Heading Text: Defines the title of the section. Generally, this will be the question that you wish to ask.
- Body Text: Defines the body of the section. This is not really necessary to use for most questions, but you may wish to add help text if you believe a question might be confusing to the customer.