
Using CloudBridal


Once you have created an order, you can begin to apply payments toward the order. If you open the order details of an order, you will be able to then click the View Payment Details button on the order to get an overview of the payment history for that order.image-46Viewing the payment details from an order

Likewise, you can get to the same payment history interface through the customer record as well by clicking the Payments button at the top.image-47Viewing the payment details from a customer's profile

The only difference between the two ways of accessing the payment history is that when you access it through the order, the history will automatically be filtered by the order so that you can see the specific payments that applied to that particular order. Here is an example of the initial payment history for a customer that has made no payments toward their order:image-79This customer has not yet made any payments toward the order.

As you can see in this example, the customer still has a grand total of $5,580.00 due which is signified in red. This amount includes all taxes and discounts already. To add a new payment, simply click the New Payment button, which opens up the following interface:image-5The interface to create a payment. Note that any Stripe-related inputs will only display if you have enabled the Stripe integration to handle payment charging.

This interface provides the following fields:

  • Order: The order you wish to apply the payment to. You can also generally apply a payment to the customer without an order selected.
  • Amount: The amount the payment is.
  • Date: The payment date. Defaults to the current date.
  • Payment Method: Which method of payment the customer is using.
  • Comments: Any internal notes you need to write about the payment.

If you select an order in the interface, you will also see the Amount Remaining for that order, and also have quick action buttons to pay the full amount or half of the amount.image-81The order-specific functionality in the payment interface.

Now after applying a payment to the dress, our example payment history looks like this:image-82A paid-for dress.

You can see that the payment history records a single $4,800 payment, covering the due amount for the base dress. For visual clarity, the dress is also denoted as being paid for with a checkmark and the due amount in green.

As you add payments to customers, you will also start to see these payments begin to populate the orders page in the form of the % Paid column, which denotes how much has been paid toward an order. This is a very helpful visual indicator that will make it very easy to keep track of any outstanding payments as you transition an order through its statuses. This column has 3 different colors: red for 0% paid, orange for 1-99% paid, and then green for 100% paid.image-53An example of the % Paid column.